Meet & (Gr)Eat

/ / / / / Meet & (Gr)Eat

The project draws a heterogeneous scenario that identifies sport as only one of the possible tools for community involvement: body health deriving from dynamic maintenance and training activity is associated with psychophysical health deriving from proper nutrition and its exercise in conditions of cool collective sharing, common exchange, social cohesion. Finally, the activities related to sport and exercise will find new opportunities for enrichment, integration, sophistication, hybridization and completion in the scenario proposed by the project. Because if it is true that sporting activity is normally followed by hunger for the biological need for new energies, it is also true that a large meal can be neutralized by a good dose of exercise!

Sport and food live the vicissitudes of an infinite alliance. Or an equally endless battle, depending on the point of view from which you want to look at this story! It will be a new agora for Lecce in the coming years, an ancient yet so current place where (return to) to deposit the sense of belonging, the unconditional love for our extraordinary cities, the passion for our origins, the collective feeling. Meeting, being together, eating great: all this will be MEET & (GR) EAT.

A sort of “molecular” piling sets up some small habitable rooms together with a series of occasions and multifunctional supports for an abacus of potentially infinite differentiated uses: supports for light sunshades, supports for free-body sports equipment (backs, pull-up bars, vertical horses, etc.), uprights for game nets (minivolley, beach-tennis, etc.), poles for banners, signs and flags, anchors for suspended aerial lights, hooks for hammocks and relaxing beds outdoors, struts for children suspended belvedere and much more.

In the fabric of the individual elements and micro-equipment, a real pavilion, protected by an articulated wooden cover and permeable fabrics similar to a lace, houses the equipment and functional activities related to the sale and to the administration of food and drinks. The space will be transformed into a café, cocktail bar, gourmet restaurant, trattoria, street-food point and more depending on the needs and calendar appointments throughout the year.




Chronology: 2019 Competition (1st Prize), 2019 Project design, 2019-2020 Construction

Category: Public Spaces, Leisure Parks

Design Team: Tomas Ghisellini, Lucrezia Alemanno, Alberto Manzi

Technical Coordination: Lucrezia Alemanno, Daniele Francesco Petralia

Graphics: Lucrezia Alemanno

Self-Construction: Tomas Ghisellini, Lucrezia Alemanno, Daniele Francesco Petralia, Alberto Manzi, Alice Marzola

Photographs: Tomas Ghisellini



Lecce, Italy




CNH Industrial Ltd, Municipality Of Lecce